Children's health
06 Jun 2006
Tobacco Smoke Linked to Allergic Rhinitis in Infants
UC epidemiologists say it’s environmental tobacco smoke – not the suspected visible mold -that drastically increases an infant’s risk for developing allergic rhinitis by age 1. Commonly known as hay fever, allergic rhinitis occurs when a person’s immune system mistakenly reacts to allergens (aggravating particles) in the air. The…
16 May 2006
Nutrition in Children
Child nutrition program food for healthy young children avoiding malnutrition diet
09 May 2006
Nutrition and women
A good diet is essential for growth, health and wellbeing. In women, nutritional requirements are affected by pregnancy and medical conditions.
Children's health
07 May 2006
Peanuts, bee stings and fear: Dealing with potentially life-threatening allergies
The first sign that something was wrong with Shon Dwyer’s son was as sudden as it was dramatic. Dylan was 10 months old when she spotted quarter-sized hives on his face, and soon after, Dwyer learned her little boy had a peanut allergy that will continue to affect the family’s…
26 Mar 2006
Peanut allergy
Peanut allergy symptoms affect 1 in 50 children and can be fatal. People allergic to peanuts can prevent allergic reactions by avoiding exposure to nuts.
Children's health
26 Mar 2006
Egg allergy
Egg allergies cause immune responses (allergic reactions), such as hives, when eggs are eaten. They usually begin in babies or toddlers.
Children's health
26 Mar 2006
Milk allergy
Milk allergy is an immune response to the consumption of dairy products, causing allergic skin and gastrointestinal symptoms. It is common in babies.
19 Mar 2006
Adverse Reactions to Natural Food Chemicals
Some natural food chemicals, in particular salicylates, amines and monosodium glutamate (MSG), can cause reactions in sensitive people, where they are often labeled food intolerances.
Children's health
18 Mar 2006
Lactose intolerance (milk intolerance)
Lactose intolerance is common. People intolerant of lactose must avoid dairy products and foods containing lactose to prevent gastrointestinal symptoms.