
Skin rashes
Blood 15 Jul 2006

Skin rashes

A rash is defined as a change in the skin's appearance, which may involve alternations in texture (eg rough or smooth) and/or its colour. The…
Tracking Peanut Allergy Onset in Children
Children's health 07 Jul 2006

Tracking Peanut Allergy Onset in Children

About 20 percent of babies with eczema or milk and egg allergies will develop an allergy to peanuts by age five, studies show. Duke University Medical Centre researchers are now enrolling infants into a trial to study how and when peanut allergies arise in children. Most children sensitive to…
'SCRATCH' The Confusion Away: New Tool to Sort Out Insect Bites in Children
Children's health 07 Jul 2006

'SCRATCH' The Confusion Away: New Tool to Sort Out Insect Bites in Children

Children afflicted with insect-bite rashes are often misdiagnosed or referred for extensive and costly tests, but a new, easy-to-remember set of guidelines developed at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Centre should help. Called SCRATCH, the letters form a memorable acronym for symmetry, cluster, rover, age, target/time, confused, household). It is…
Airborne Mould Spores Increase Kids' Risk for Multiple Allergies
Children's health 05 Jul 2006

Airborne Mould Spores Increase Kids' Risk for Multiple Allergies

University of Cincinnati (UC) researchers say exposure to a certain group of fungal spores -abundant in the air that we breathe every day – can make young children more susceptible to developing multiple allergies later in life. The team found that infants who were exposed to basidiospores and other…
Can Deadly Peanut Allergies Be Cured?
Children's health 05 Jul 2006

Can Deadly Peanut Allergies Be Cured?

Just being in the same room as peanuts can send Liam Park into a violent allergy attack. And yet, the 4-year-old from Charlotte, N.C., intentionally eats peanut flour every day. Liam is part of a potentially groundbreaking study at Duke Medical Centre aimed at finding out whether children with…
Respiratory system (pulmonary system) anatomy
Anatomy 27 Jun 2006

Respiratory system (pulmonary system) anatomy

The respiratory system includes the nose, lungs and pipe-like organs which connect them enable breathing and removal of waste products like carbon dioxide.
Cancer 21 Jun 2006


Diarrhoea is a common digestive disorder that virtually all people will suffer at some stage during their lives. The definition of diarrhoea varies but it…
UCSF study to examine whether probiotics can prevent asthma in children
Children's health 15 Jun 2006

UCSF study to examine whether probiotics can prevent asthma in children

In the first effort of its kind in the United States, researchers at the University of California, San Francisco have launched a study to determine whether giving active probiotic supplements to infants can delay or prevent asthma in children. The intervention is a novel method for the primary prevention…
The buzz on treating summer insect stings and bites
Children's health 13 Jun 2006

The buzz on treating summer insect stings and bites

Buzzing bees, marching ants and swarms of mosquitos are just as much a part of summer as warm weather, blooming flowers and kids enjoying time off from school. And if your child has plans to spend the summer months outdoors playing, chances are he’ll encounter some insects along the way.