03 Mar 2006
Skin colour
Skin colour or tone is determined by pigmentation with melanin, and the amount and pattern of sun exposure which may cause burning or tanning.
28 Feb 2006
Cancer pain
Cancer pain (neuropathic pain, chronic pain) is a common complication of cancer treatment (chemotherapy, radiotherapy) and cancer metastasis.
02 Jan 2006
Allergy and the immune system
Allergy is an exaggerated immune reaction to a usually harmless substance like pollen. Uncontrolled inflammatory and other allergic responses damage cells.
28 Dec 2005
Cancer Signs Cancer Symptoms
Weight loss, fatigue, fever, pain and gastrointestinal conditions like constipation may be signs of cancer that need to be assessed by a doctor.
28 Dec 2005
What is cancer?
Anatomical information about cancer, abnormal cell growth and division caused by genetics and carcinogens, and cancer tumour classification or staging.
23 Dec 2005
Preventing Pressure Ulcers
Information about pressure ulcers including photos of pressure ulcer, pressure ulcer staging pressure ulcer prevention,pressure ulcer treatment
23 Dec 2005
Pressure ulcers
Pressure ulcers are skin injuries that occur when one position is held for too long. It is most common in elderly, wheelchair- or bed-bound people.
22 Dec 2005
Skin (epidermis) anatomy
The skin or epidermis is the largest organ in the body. Layers of epidermis (skin) regulate temperature and sensation and create a protective barrier.
06 Oct 2005
Hives (urticaria)
Hives or urticaria is a common allergic skin disorder characterised by raised red lumps on the skin (skin welts). They can be very itchy.