Research and Trials

Role of T-Cells in Asthma
Lungs 01 Jan 2013

Role of T-Cells in Asthma

This study will examine the movement of T cells (a type of white blood cell) from the blood to the lungs in patients with asthma after exposure to an allergen, such as cat dander or pollen. Asthma is in large part due to inflammation of the bronchi (the breathing tubes…
Childhood Asthma Research and Education (CARE) Network
Lungs 01 Jan 2013

Childhood Asthma Research and Education (CARE) Network

To evaluate current and novel therapies and management strategies for children with asthma. The emphasis is on clinical trials that help identify optimal therapy for children with different asthma phenotypes, genotypes, and ethnic backgrounds and children at different developmental stages. Official Title Conditions – Asthma- Lung Diseases Study Type…
Pollutant altered allergic response
Lungs 01 Jan 2013

Pollutant altered allergic response

This study is designed to investigate whether exposure to particulate air pollution increases the allergic response to allergens. Research studies suggest that symptoms in individuals with allergies may be aggravated by exposure to particulate air pollution. We sought to experimental determine this by exposing human volunteers to combustion particles, a…
Infections 01 Jan 2013

Treating Severe Chronic Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Infection with EBV Specific Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes (CTLs)

Severe chronic active Epstein-Barr virus (SCAEBV) is a rare Epstein-Barr virus (EBV or commonly known as mono or the kissing disease) associated disorder. This disorder may cause chronic tiredness and fevers and sometimes be complicated by life threatening problems such as multi-organ failure, chronic (ongoing) pneumonia, and lymphoproliferative diseases (diseases…
Lungs 01 Jan 2013

A safety and efficacy trial evaluating the use of SanOrg34006 compared to placebo in patients who have completed 6 months of treatment for symptomatic pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis

Patients diagnosed with pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lung) or deep vein thrombosis (blood clot in a leg vein) are at risk for these blood clots to reoccur. Anticoagulant (blood-thinning) drugs are normally given immediately after the clot is discovered and are continued for a period of 3 or…
A safety and efficacy trial evaluating the use of SanOrg34006 in the treatment of pulmonary embolism
Lungs 01 Jan 2013

A safety and efficacy trial evaluating the use of SanOrg34006 in the treatment of pulmonary embolism

Patients who have a pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lung) will be treated in this study. The purpose of the study is to compare the safety and effectiveness of a new injectable anticoagulant (blood-thinning) drug, SanOrg34006, with the standard way of treating a pulmonary embolism. The standard treatment includes…
Gastro 01 Jan 2013

Interferon-beta Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis

This study will evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the drug interferon-beta in treating ulcerative colitis and examine the drug’s effect on the immune system. People with ulcerative colitis have increased amounts of inflammatory chemicals (cytokines) made by immune cells in the lining of the colon. Studies have shown that…
Efficacy and Safety of Nasonex vs. Placebo in Subjects with SAR and Concomitant Asthma
Infections 01 Jan 2013

Efficacy and Safety of Nasonex vs. Placebo in Subjects with SAR and Concomitant Asthma

An association between seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR) and allergic asthma has been established through epidemiologic, pathophysiologic, and therapeutic studies. This study will compare Nasonex Nasal Spray to Placebo in treating the nasal and asthma symptoms experienced by subjects with SAR and concomitant asthma. Official Title Conditions – Rhinitis, Allergic, Seasonal-…
Study of Heart Transplant Rejection
Heart 01 Jan 2013

Study of Heart Transplant Rejection

This study will investigate the causes of acute and chronic rejection of transplanted hearts. To find better ways to detect, treat and possibly prevent heart transplant rejection, more information about the cause is needed. Acute and chronic heart transplant rejection may be caused by certain substances the body produces in…