06 Mar 2008
Leukaemia therapy with imatinib during pregnancy may cause infant abnormalities
While doctors already face many challenges in treating patients with cancer, treating pregnant women with the disease, in particular, can be quite difficult as studies suggest that certain therapies can harm developing foetuses. According to the results of a study prepublished online in Blood, the official journal of the American…
19 Feb 2008
Herpes virus link to complications in pregnancy
Researchers at Adelaide’s Women’s & Children’s Hospital and the University of Adelaide have made a world-first discovery that links viral infection with high blood pressure during pregnancy and pre-term birth. The research findings, published in the British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, are a major step forward in unravelling the…
08 Feb 2008
Stages of labour (birth)
There are three stages of labour or baby birth. In a normal delivery or vaginal delivery, cervical dilation is followed by baby delivery (childbirth).
08 Feb 2008
Birthing Types
There are many ways of giving birth to a baby. Natural delivery (vaginal delivery), caesarian delivery (c-section) and water birthing are popular methods.
27 Jan 2008
Premature labour
Premature or preterm labour refers to childbirth occuring any time before a woman is 37 weeks pregnant, and results in a premature baby.
Children's health
21 Jan 2008
Epidural Analgesia
Epidural analgesia or epidural injection is a form of labour pain management. Pain relief medications are injected into the spine.
Children's health
27 Nov 2007
Obese Pregnant Women Should Limit Weight Gain
Severely obese women should lose weight during pregnancy, while obese women who are pregnant should gain less weight than currently recommended, a Saint Louis University study finds. The research is the largest population-based study to look at the effect of weight gain during pregnancy by obese expectant mothers, says Raul…
Children's Health
20 Nov 2007
Nutrition in Adolescent Girls
Adolescence is the transition period between childhood and adulthood, typically between the ages of 10 and 13 years in girls. Adolescence is characterised by the…
Children's health
09 Oct 2007
Yoga During Pregnancy
Yoga is quickly becoming a popular activity amongst expectant mothers. The gentle movements and breathing exercises help to develop ways to cope with and reduce…