
Puberty (male)
Anatomy 25 Jul 2008

Puberty (male)

In boys, maturation of the reproductive organs causes puberty symptoms like increased penis size, sperm production, deepening voice and chest hair growth.
DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)
Anatomy 24 Jul 2008

DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)

DNA is a very important chemical that contains all of a living cell's genetic material. DNA contains all the information required for cell growth, function…
Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
Anatomy 15 May 2008

Peripheral nervous system (PNS)

The peripheral nervous system includes the nerves and signals of the sympathetic nervous system and the automatic nervous system.
Spinal cord anatomy
Anatomy 06 Apr 2008

Spinal cord anatomy

The spinal cord connects the brain to the body. It includes the thoracic, lumbar and cervical sections, and is part of the central nervous system…
Central nervous system (CNS) anatomy
Anatomy 13 Feb 2008

Central nervous system (CNS) anatomy

The central nervous system (CNS) consists of the brain, spinal cord, spinal fluid and neurons, which transmit signals from the brain to other body organs.
Stages of labour (birth)
Anatomy 08 Feb 2008

Stages of labour (birth)

There are three stages of labour or baby birth. In a normal delivery or vaginal delivery, cervical dilation is followed by baby delivery (childbirth).
Premature labour
Anatomy 27 Jan 2008

Premature labour

Premature or preterm labour refers to childbirth occuring any time before a woman is 37 weeks pregnant, and results in a premature baby.
Blood types (blood group)
Anatomy 04 Jan 2008

Blood types (blood group)

Blood types like O negative or Rhesus negative are determined by genetics. They are based on the types of antigens found on the surface of…
Blood function and composition
Anatomy 03 Jan 2008

Blood function and composition

Blood consists of blood cells, nutrients, protein and electrolytes, each of which play a role in blood functions like transporting oxygen.