16 May 2006
Nutrition in Children
Child nutrition program food for healthy young children avoiding malnutrition diet
09 May 2006
Opioid-induced hyperalgesia
Opioid-induced hyperalgesia (OIH) refers to increasing pain in a person using opiod painkillers, despite increasing doses of opiods.
09 May 2006
Nutrition and women
A good diet is essential for growth, health and wellbeing. In women, nutritional requirements are affected by pregnancy and medical conditions.
02 May 2006
Technique could speed new treatments for medulloblastoma
A team led by Richard Gilbertson, MD, PhD, Developmental Neurobiology, is studying genes whose expression accurately reports the presence of gene mutations in biochemical pathways in medulloblastoma. These genes can be compared to “light bulbs” that are triggered when a specific biochemical pathway is abnormally activated in a tumor. Using…
30 Apr 2006
Opioids for Analgesia
Opioids for analgesia: Using Opioids for analgesia and information on different opioids.
Children's health
21 Apr 2006
Babylab to work out what goes on in babies' minds
Psychologists at the University of Manchester have set up a “BabyLab” within the University, to try and learn more about how babies acquire knowledge. For babies the world is a complicated collection of sights, sounds and smells, and making sense of it isn’t easy. Scientists have made remarkable progress…
12 Apr 2006
Chronic pain syndrome
Chronic pain syndrome refers to any pain that lasts longer than reasonable for the involved tissues to heal. It can develop after acute pain from…
Children's health
06 Apr 2006
Electrical Impulses Foster Insulation of Brain Cells, Speeding Communications
Electrical impulses foster myelination, the insulation process that speeds communication among brain cells, report researchers at two institutes of the National Institutes of Health. “This finding provides important information that may lead to a greater understanding of disorders such as multiple sclerosis that affect myelin, as well as a…
02 Apr 2006
Simple analgesics (non-opioid analgesics)
Simple analgesics or non-opioid painkillers, including paracetomol and NSAIDS, provide pain relief and reduce fever in headache and inflammatory conditions.