18 Mar 2011
Maple Baked Beans
This low fat baked bean recipe is the perfect base for a hearty breakfast. Containing beans and tomatoes this recipe provides protein and vitamins to…
30 Jan 2011
Labour and Birthing Positions
Options for positioning during labour are many and varied. Women instinctively use a variety of positions and movements to cope with the pain of the…
Dental Care
27 Jan 2011
Oral thrush (monoliasis, oral candidiasis, OC)
Oral thrush (candidiasis) is a yeast infection that occurs in the mouth. It is caused by the fungus Candida albicans. Anti-fungals are used in treatment.
12 Jan 2011
Medicine has made many advances in the last hundred years, and probably one of the biggest ones is the advent of vaccinations. Dr Joe Kosterich talks about vaccination, including what it is, how it works, why it’s important, how safe it is, what’s available, how it’s given and when…
30 Nov 2010
Sperm count: Brad warns blokes about neglecting your ‘mates’
As a young man, Brad never thought about having children until he realised it may be taken away - read this important story about male…
08 Nov 2010
Counterfeit drugs
Counterfeit drugs are fake medicines, or medicines which have been manufactured or packaged fraudulently.
Children's health
18 Apr 2010
Introduction to Tooth Whitening
Teeth whitening or bleaching techniques involve application of a bleaching agent which diffuses through the tooth enamel and results in a decolourisation or whitening process.
Children's health
18 Apr 2010
Power Bleaching (Tooth Whitening)
Power bleaching is a tooth whitening technique performed in a dental clinic where immediate results are expected. It uses hydrogen peroxide, an activating light or…
16 Apr 2010
Chocolate sultana cake
Healthy, easy to make chocolate sultana cake.