
Gastro 01 Jan 2013

Metformin to Treat Obesity in Children with Insulin Resistance

This study will examine the safety and effectiveness of the medicine metformin to help overweight children control their food intake, weight, insulin, cholesterol, and triglyceride (blood fat) levels. Obesity and high insulin levels can lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and triglyceride levels and heart disease. Metformin-approved by…
Gastro 01 Jan 2013

Cognitive Therapy for Binge-Eating Disorder

The purpose of this study is to compare the efficacy of a CD-ROM-based cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to traditional manual-based group therapy for obese individuals with binge-eating disorder (BED) and other unhealthy eating behaviors. A second goal is to encourage a healthy lifestyle in patients with BED. Official Title Cognitive Therapy…
Gastro 01 Jan 2013

The Safety and Effectiveness of Low and High Carbohydrate Diets

This study will compare the safety and the effectiveness of a low carbohydrate diet (Atkins diet) with a high carbohydrate diet (conventional USDA diet). Official Title The Safety and Efficacy of Low and High Carbohydrate Diets Conditions – Obesity Study Type Interventional Study Design Treatment, Randomized, Open Label, Uncontrolled,…
Gastro 01 Jan 2013

FFA Metabolism in Different Types of Human Obesity

We will give intravenous fat molecules to help us understand how the fat that is released from peoples fat cells is used. This will be done when people are eating, not eating and walking. Official Title Conditions – Obesity Study Type Observational Study Design Natural History, Cross-Sectional, Defined Population, Prospective…
Gastro 01 Jan 2013

Supplemental Calcium in Overweight People

This study will examine the health effects of calcium supplements in overweight adults. Overweight adults often eat a diet low in calcium. Some studies have found low calcium intake in people who have some of the medical problems often seen in overweight adults. This study will see if extra calcium…
Gastro 01 Jan 2013

Study of Inborn Errors of Cholesterol Synthesis and Related Disorders

This study will investigate the cause and medical problems associated with a group of genetic disorders known as inborn errors of cholesterol synthesis, in which the body does not produce cholesterol. People with this disorder may have birth defects and learning and behavioral problems. Official Title Investigations into Inborn Errors…
Gastro 01 Jan 2013

Gluten-Free Diet in Patients with Gluten Sensitivity and Cerebellar Ataxia

This study will screen patients with cerebellar ataxia to check for antibodies that indicate allergy to gluten (wheat protein) and will study the effect of a gluten-free diet in patients with these antibodies. Patients with cerebellar ataxia have problems with coordination, resulting in “clumsiness” and unsteadiness of posture and walking.
Gastro 01 Jan 2013

Treatment of Hemochromatosis

This study will evaluate the effectiveness of a test called MCV in guiding phlebotomy (blood drawing) therapy in patients with hemochromatosis-an inherited disorder that causes too much iron to be absorbed by the intestine. The excess damages body tissues, most severely in the liver, heart, pancreas and joints. Because iron…
Gastro 01 Jan 2013

Interferon-beta Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis

This study will evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the drug interferon-beta in treating ulcerative colitis and examine the drug’s effect on the immune system. People with ulcerative colitis have increased amounts of inflammatory chemicals (cytokines) made by immune cells in the lining of the colon. Studies have shown that…