01 Jan 2013
Parasitic Infections of the Gastrointestinal Tract
This protocol offers diagnosis and standard medical treatment for various parasitic gastrointestinal infections. Gastrointestinal parasites are either worms (helminths) or one-celled animals called protozoans which live in the human intestines. Often, parasitic infections do not cause illness. In these cases, drug treatment is not indicated, because treatment can have adverse…
17 Dec 2012
Tasty and gluten-free
Cereals are good for you, supplying the body with carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins. Yet some people are intolerant to the gluten protein they contain. Now, researchers are developing new recipes for tasty, gluten-free pasta and pastries. Not every person can eat what they like; far from it, one in every…
Children's health
26 Jul 2012
Medicine or Drug Overdose
A drug overdose occurs after a person consumes too much of a drug, medication or poison. Overdose can occur accidentally when a person inadvertently takes…
22 Dec 2011
The truth about diets: Detox, cleansing and fad diets versus healthy balanced nutrition
Many Australians want to lose weight and can improve their health by doing so. They are often tempted to try a fad diet, which promises…
16 Nov 2011
Glycaemic index: Dr Joe Kosterich
The glycaemic index is a measure of sugar or the glycaemic load of food. It is used to categorise low GI foods and high GI…
Children's health
17 Oct 2011
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD): Overview
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a group of gastrointestinal conditions including ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. It has symptoms like diarrhoea.
12 Apr 2011
Vegetable Lasagne with a Twist
A recipe for a calcium rich vegetable lasagna. Suitable for vegetarians, this recipe tastes fantastic served hot or cold with a side salad. Contains spinach,…
30 Mar 2011
Food poisoning prevention and food safety
Food-borne diseases are diseases that are transmitted by food. Food that has been contaminated with pathogens – including micro-organisms like bacteria or toxic substances like…
29 Mar 2011
Sweet potato and date salad
A deliciously healthy salad recipe packed with essential nutrients like calcium, vitamins and omega 3 fatty acids. Lisa's sweet potato salad makes a great side…