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Some people dread the morning and evening routine of brushing their teeth because it usually leads to bleeding. If you’ve noticed this and are worried that you might have gum disease, there’s a good reason for that. Gum disease affects nearly 20% of the Australian population (aged 15+), according to the Australian Dental Association. That’s close to 5 million people every year! It’s also one of the most common reasons that people need to visit the dentist for.

What is Gum Disease?

Also known as “Periodontal Disease”, it is a serious dental issue that can settle itself orally as a chronic condition. It stems from a type of bacterial infection that attacks the gums and often the bone which surrounds a tooth. Initially a thin film known as plaque is formed on the teeth in when they are not cleaned properly.

After that, the bacteria settles deep into the gums, going down all the way to the tooth-supporting bone. Once the conditions goes deeper, the end result is the tooth loosening, shaking and a complete removal by the dentist. So it’s never a good idea to ignore or delay the problem once you feel discomfort in the gums.

Research also indicates that some people are genetically more prone to gum disease. Apart from that people who binge too much on sugary and starchy foods can end up with a handful of dental trouble.

Types of Gum disease

 Let’s take a look at the different types of gum disease and how they evolve into more complex conditions if not catered timely enough.

Gingivitis: This is the first stage of a gum disease caused by plaque buildup at the gumline. Improper brushing does not remove the plaque from the mouth and forms toxins in the mouth which causes gum tissue irritation. This initial condition is known as “Gingivitis”. It is easy to treat this condition as the swelling is superficial and has not gone deeper into gums or tooth bones.

Periodontitis: If plaque on the gums settles down , over time it will solidify into a crust called calculus or tartar. Once the tartar develops, it starts destroying gum tissue, making the gums bleed and disengage from the teeth. As the disengagement occurs, small pockets are formed in the spaces in between which create more room for bacteria to grow and more food residues get trapped causing increased gum tissue damage. This is known as “Periodontitis”. If proper medical attention is not given in this stage, the situation progresses onto stage three.

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Advanced Periodontitis: In this last stage, the tissues and teeth supporting bone are teared down causing teeth to shift or loosen up. The eventual result is teeth removal.

Symptoms of diseased gums

 If you find any of the below symptoms in your mouth, get alert and immediately go for a dental checkup:

  • Inflamed, puffy red gums
  • Bleeding from Gums upon brushing or flossing
  • Bad odour from the mouth
  • Tooth disengagement from the gums
    • Pus pockets in between the teeth
    • Bite changes when you occlude teeth together
    • Loss of permanent teeth
    • Bad or bitter taste in the mouth

 Remedies for treating Gum disease

 Let’s take a look at few remedies which will help you get rid of the gum disease.

Proper cleaning routine

No remedy is more potent than following a careful cleaning routine daily especially in the morning, before going to bed or after meals. This will interrupt the cycle of bacteria multiplying or sitting in the mouth for too long. Regular cleaning and flossing will manage the disease on an initial level.

Why Are My Gums Bleeding?

Bleeding gums may be a sign of gingivitis, or inflammation of the gums. This condition is caused by a buildup of plaque at your gumline, causing them to become irritated, red, and even swollen.

How do I stop my gums from bleeding?

The most important step is to follow good oral hygiene and avoid habits like smoking. At the same time, increasing your intake of vitamins C and vitamin K will help prevent bleeding in the gums.

Scaling or deep cleaning

If the gum disease settles in too deep in the mouth, then the superficial cleaning won’t do much help. In that case, the dentist would clean under the gum line, which involves scraping off tartar above and below the gumline. This process helps the gums to be cleaned off plaque and tartar.

Root Planning

Sometimes, the dentist smooths out the rough surfaces of the teeth which help the gums reattach to your tooth which is a form of treating diseased gums.

Use of Antibiotics

Many times, Antibiotics are prescribed to treat infection and mouth inflammation. They are administered in different forms such as gels, medicated mouthwashes and tablets. They work on the gum pockets to destroy bacteria and promote gum healing.


Sometimes, if the gums get really bad, they require the dentists to do a bit of cutting and deep cleaning the pockets and then stitch them back again to provide cushion around the teeth.

Gingival grafting

If the gum tissue is too infected or fragile to handle, the dentist cuts and remove the healthy gum tissue from a different part of the mouth and then sews back in place. This grafting restores the affected gum and stabilises the teeth improving their appearance too.

Enzyme Suppressant

This tablet is given after a detailed cleaning in the mouth to inhibit specific enzymes which break down gum tissues.

To conclude, healing gum disease is possible, but as the wise say “Prevention is better than cure”, it is an imperative to carefully watch out for taking active care for your oral hygiene. The more you keep your dental cavity clean, the less bacteria. The less bacteria, the minimal chances of carrying a gum disease in your mouth. It’s also important to remember that gum disease can also indicate the current standing of the immune system in your body and might provide a gateway into other problems of vital organs like the heart or gut.

Also remember if you want to really cut the risk for gum disease, then its mandatory to brush your teeth regularly throughout the day along with flossing and be sure to quit sugary foods so the oral bacteria is not fed unhealthily. After you take all these measures, be sure to share your confident smile with the world.

A: Use HealthEngine to find and book your next Dentist appointment. Click on the following locations to find a Dentist clinic in your state or territory.

This article is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. If in doubt, HealthEngine recommends consulting with a registered health practitioner.

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