
Most common health concerns for the female Australian population
Cancer 10 Jun 2006

Most common health concerns for the female Australian population

Centre for women's health and fitness care information Australia, Woman's sexual health care,
Supplement may thwart pulmonary hypertension in kids
Children's health 08 Jun 2006

Supplement may thwart pulmonary hypertension in kids

Researchers at the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt are finding that a simple dietary supplement may have the ability to save the lives of pediatric heart patients. The supplement is an amino acid called citrulline, from the Latin word for watermelon, the fruit that contains large amounts…
Ischaemic stroke
Diseases 02 Jun 2006

Ischaemic stroke

Ischaemic stroke occurs when there is insufficient blood flow to supply oxygen to the brain. It is a leading cause of death and disability.
Nutrition and women
Blood 09 May 2006

Nutrition and women

A good diet is essential for growth, health and wellbeing. In women, nutritional requirements are affected by pregnancy and medical conditions.
Nutrition in Men
Cancer 04 May 2006

Nutrition in Men

There is strong evidence that Western-style diets are associated with a substantially increased risk for obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease, and men are…
Opioids for Analgesia
Bone 30 Apr 2006

Opioids for Analgesia

Opioids for analgesia: Using Opioids for analgesia and information on different opioids.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
Diseases 26 Apr 2006

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovarian syndrome refers to increased levels of androgens (primary male hormones) and menstrual irregularities in women.
Lowering cholesterol early in life protects against heart disease later
Children's health 21 Apr 2006

Lowering cholesterol early in life protects against heart disease later

New research from UT Southwestern Medical Center indicates that lowering “bad” blood cholesterol earlier in life, even by a modest amount, confers substantial protection from coronary heart disease. The new findings, appearing in the March 23 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine, found that people with genetic…
Link between Heart Disease Reproductive Hormone Relaxin
Heart 06 Apr 2006

Link between Heart Disease Reproductive Hormone Relaxin

Relaxin is a reproductive peptide hormone that relaxes tissues, including the heart. Relaxin levels increase in heart failure.