
Pain & Physical Activity
Children's Health 31 Mar 2006

Pain & Physical Activity

Pain is a feeling that arises from injured or damaged body tissues. Special nerve endings convert the injury into pain sensations. These sensations are then…
Genes affecting blood pressure change as children become adults
Children's health 17 Mar 2006

Genes affecting blood pressure change as children become adults

As children transform into adults some of the genes involved in controlling their blood pressure change as well, according to a study of more than 500 pairs of twins. The study of black and white identical and fraternal twins showed that changes in gene expression between ages 14 and…
Metabolic syndrome
Diseases 09 Mar 2006

Metabolic syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a pre-diabetes metabolic condition that is diagnosed when several abnormalities like insulin resistance and obesity co-occur.
Blood 22 Feb 2006


Fibrates are a class of lipid-lowering drugs used to treat hypercholesterolaemia and reduce the risk of cardiovascular conditions and heart attack.
Haemorrhagic stroke
Diseases 21 Feb 2006

Haemorrhagic stroke

Haemorrhagic stroke occurs when blood leaks into and damages the brain. It typically affects people over 55 years of age who have hypertension.
Hypertension (high blood pressure)
Blood 21 Feb 2006

Hypertension (high blood pressure)

Hypertension or high blood pressure is the leading cause globally of death and disability. It is associated with heart attack and kidney disease.
Heart attack (myocardial infarction)
Diseases 21 Feb 2006

Heart attack (myocardial infarction)

Heart attack or myocardial infarction refers to heart damage caused by a lack of blood flow which prevents the heart from getting sufficient oxygen.
Stroke (cerebrovascular accident; CVA)
Diseases 21 Feb 2006

Stroke (cerebrovascular accident; CVA)

Stroke or cerebrovascular accident may be haemorrhagic when there is bleeding in the brain, or ischaemic when blood does not flow to the brain.
Cardiac Ablation for the Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation
Heart 20 Feb 2006

Cardiac Ablation for the Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation

Catheter ablation for the treatment of heart rhythm disorder is a procedure in which radiofrequency energy is used to carefully destroy (or ablate) abnormal tissue…