07 Feb 2009
Resistance training (weight training; strength training)
Resistance training: A type of physical activity that involves some form of resistance used against a muscle contraction. There are many types of resistance that can…
26 Nov 2008
Virtual Medical Centre Presentation
Watch a presentation video on Virtual Medical Centre.
Children's Health
17 Nov 2008
Exercise Recovery
Exercise recovery, as the name suggests, is recovery from the physical and psychological strains that exercise places on the body.
07 Nov 2008
Preparing For Exercise
Preparing for Exercise: A regular exercise regime is essential for a healthy and happy lifestyle. Some important steps are needed before, during and after exercising…
09 Sep 2008
Cardiovascular Disease and Cholesterol
There are a number of risk factors that make cardiovascular disease more likely, including high cholesterol. Cardiologist Craig Juergens talks about what cholesterol does to…
Children's Health
17 Aug 2008
Pilates in Pregnancy
Pilates is an ideal exercise during pregnancy as it is designed to strengthen the deep abdominal and pelvic floor muscles.
24 Jul 2008
DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)
DNA is a very important chemical that contains all of a living cell's genetic material. DNA contains all the information required for cell growth, function…
07 Jul 2008
Staying Healthy During Plane Travel
Staying Healthy During Plane Travel - Information on Health problems related to travelling on a plane and how to avoid these conditions, written by health…
19 Jun 2008
Cholesterol Testing
A cholesterol test is a simple blood test carried out to measure the levels of these two cholesterol types in the blood, and the levels…