Children's health
07 Jul 2009
Exercise: Cardio Training
Cardio training, cardio vascular exercise or aerobic exercise increases the heart rate, enhances heart health and prevents heart disease.
07 Jul 2009
Exercise: Resistance Training
Resistance training, including resistance bands and weight training, strengthens bones and prevents bone conditions like osteoporosis.
Children's Health
07 Jul 2009
Exercise: Stretching and Recovery
Stretching exericses to increase flexibility, like yoga and pilates, should be combined with cardio and weight training.
03 Jul 2009
Fitness and Exercise
Fitness: Being active and exercising is very important for health. Physical exercise can be as easy as finding a total of 30 minutes of activity…
Children's Health
01 Jul 2009
Exercise and Activity
Exercise and physical activity includes cardio or aerobic exercise, stretching or flexibiltiy exercise, and weight or resistance bands exercise.
05 May 2009
Heart health: Dr Joe
Keeping a healthy heart by quitting smoking and healthy eating reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases like heart attack and high blood pressure.
29 Apr 2009
A scar (also known as a cicatrix) is fibrous tissue that is visible following healing of a wound. The formation of scars is a normal…
14 Mar 2009
Failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS)
Failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) is characterised by continuing back and/or leg pain after lower spinal surgery. It occurs after 5-40% of surgeries.
20 Feb 2009
Resistance/Weight Training Exercises
Resistance training has become an increasingly popular exercise. There are a number of common resistance training exercises used to work the major muscle groups.