26 Sep 2009
Placenta praevia
In placenta praevia, the placenta grows in an incorrect position, covering the opening of the uterus. It typically causes painless vaginal bleeding.
26 Sep 2009
Placental abruption (abruptio placentae)
Placental abruption is a complication of pregnancy in which the placenta separates from the inner wall of the uterus before delivery, causing bleeding.
Children's health
18 Sep 2009
Bonding With Your Baby During Pregnancy
Bonding with a baby during pregnancy refers to a process through which a pregnant woman experiences feelings and emotions for her foetus, interacts with her…
Children's health
13 Sep 2009
Vaginal Delivery
Vaginal birth is the delivery of a baby from the uterus (womb), out through the vagina.
Children's health
25 Aug 2009
Breastfeeding as a Contraceptive Method (Lactational Amenorrhoea Method)
Lactational amenorrhoea is a method of contraception based on the natural phase of infertility that occurs with breastfeeding shortly after birth which is due to low…
20 Aug 2009
Pregnancy: Vaginal Bleeding
Vaginal bleeding can occur early in the pregnancy (spotting) or late (antepartum haemorrhage) and should be investigated by a medical professional.
Men's Health
07 Aug 2009
Withdrawal Contraceptive Method
The withdrawal contraceptive method is a natural family planning method of contraception in which the male partner interrupts intercourse, so that he can withdraw his penis…
31 Jul 2009
Making a decision on circumcision
Male circumcision is a surgical procedure which involves the removal of the foreskin (also known as the prepuce) of the penis.
29 Jul 2009
How Sexually Transmitted Infections Affect Sperm Health
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) have a range of negative health affects, including reduced male fertility. Avoiding STIs is therefore an important measure men can take to maximise…