
Agitation and Confusion in Cancer Treatment
Cancer 07 Apr 2005

Agitation and Confusion in Cancer Treatment

Medical information about agitation and confusion
Blood 06 Apr 2005


Chemotherapry treatment and side effects information on chemotherapy and cancer drug medical treatment news.
Blood 06 Apr 2005


Radiotherapy is the use of ionising radiation in the treatment of cancer and is based on the ability of radiation to interact with the atoms…
Bone 12 Jan 2005


Menopause is the permanent cessation of menstrual periods. It is diagnosed after one year with no periods when the average woman is 51 years of…
Children's health 29 Dec 2004


Narcolepsy is a condition in which a person loses control of their sleep-wake cycle. They may fall asleep suddenly during the day or be unable…
Meralgia Paraesthetica
Diseases 13 Dec 2004

Meralgia Paraesthetica

Meralgia paraesthetica is characterised by abnormal sensations like numbness, tingling or itching on the outer thigh, caused by nerve entrapment.
Diseases 10 Dec 2004


Sarcoidosis refers to the abnormal growth of nodules of inflamed tissues, most commonly in the lungs or nervous system.
Preeclampsia (toxemia; pregnancy-induced hypertension)
Blood 19 Oct 2004

Preeclampsia (toxemia; pregnancy-induced hypertension)

Preeclampsia refers to hypertension or high blood pressure during pregnancy or post partum (after childbirth). It causes a high risk of epileptic seizures.
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Bone 21 Sep 2004

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome refers to compression of the median nerve. Carpal tunnel syptoms include pain, numbness and hand weakness. Treaments include surgery.