Men's Health
13 Dec 2018
FIFO Mental Health Issues: Spotting the Signs & Getting Support
Maintaining regular contact with a trusted GP can be an important life-line for tens of thousands of Australian FIFO workers who live with the ongoing…
Family's Health
13 Dec 2018
Psychiatry: What Does a Psychiatrist Do?
>What is a psychiatrist? A psychiatrist is a doctor who specialises in management of patients with mood, thought and behavioural disorders.
Children's health
24 Jan 2018
Pediatricians Screen More Kids for Mental Health Issues if Supported
A new study suggests many more pediatricians would make mental health screenings an integral part of a child’s annual checkup if they received training and…
Children's Health
01 Jan 2018
Child sexual abuse affects victim’s brain
A fresh look at neurobiological research shoots down any remaining myths that adult-child sex could be less harmful than claimed.
Children's health
01 Sep 2017
Post-traumatic stress higher in children of veterans with PTSD
A study has found adult children of Australian Vietnam veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are more likely to have PTSD.
Children's health
16 Mar 2017
Better sleep feels like winning the lottery
Improving your sleep quality is as beneficial to health and happiness as winning the lottery, according to research.
Children's health
10 Sep 2016
Is Acetaminophen Use When Pregnant Associated with Kids’ Behavioral Problems?
Using the common pain-relieving medication acetaminophen during pregnancy was associated with increased risk for multiple behavioural problems in children, according to an article published online…
Mental Health
29 Aug 2016
Parkinson’s disease: Impact on family and work, and Geoff’s advice for others
Geoff knows from personal experience what it’s like to live with Parkinson's disease. He shares tips and advice for others with it and their carers.
Children's health
21 Aug 2016
Better mental health care needed for congenital heart disease patients
Experts are calling for national mental health care standards to help address the significant emotional toll faced by the 65,000 Australians living with congenital heart…