
Virtual Medical Centre Presentation
Blood 26 Nov 2008

Virtual Medical Centre Presentation

Watch a presentation video on Virtual Medical Centre.
Preparing For Exercise
Bone 07 Nov 2008

Preparing For Exercise

Preparing for Exercise: A regular exercise regime is essential for a healthy and happy lifestyle. Some important steps are needed before, during and after exercising…
Chemotherapy Patient: Danny Moss 1
Cancer 23 Sep 2008

Chemotherapy Patient: Danny Moss 1

Jazz musician Danny Moss discusses travelling with cancer and how chemotherapy to treat mesothelioma didn't stop him living his life.
Pilates in Pregnancy
Children's Health 17 Aug 2008

Pilates in Pregnancy

Pilates is an ideal exercise during pregnancy as it is designed to strengthen the deep abdominal and pelvic floor muscles.
Cold and Flu Prevention
Children's health 27 Jul 2008

Cold and Flu Prevention

Cold and flu can be prevented, even during winter. A flu shot helps prevent flu, but there is no vaccine for the common cold so…
DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)
Anatomy 24 Jul 2008

DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)

DNA is a very important chemical that contains all of a living cell's genetic material. DNA contains all the information required for cell growth, function…
Staying Healthy During Plane Travel
Blood 07 Jul 2008

Staying Healthy During Plane Travel

Staying Healthy During Plane Travel - Information on Health problems related to travelling on a plane and how to avoid these conditions, written by health…
Allergy research breakthrough
Children's health 06 Jun 2008

Allergy research breakthrough

In a world first scientists have identified how a gene associated with allergic diseases such as asthma and eczema works, providing new hope for potential drug treatments. The University of Sydney’s Dr Graham Jones led a group based at the Westmead Millennium Institute (Institute of Immunology and Allergy) which investigated…
More girls than boys benefit from breastfeeding
Children's health 04 Jun 2008

More girls than boys benefit from breastfeeding

Challenging the long-standing belief that breast-feeding equally protects all babies against disease, research led by Johns Hopkins Children’s Center investigators suggests that when it comes to respiratory infections, the protective effects of breast milk are higher in girls than in boys. Following 119 premature babies in Buenos Aires through their…