15 Feb 2008
Organ and Tissue Donation
Organ and tissue donation: Organ donation is a procedure in which one person receives organs or tissues from another person. These organs are transplanted into…
14 Feb 2008
Grains (Cereals)
Grains, also called cereal or cereal grains, are the seeds of grasses. Grains constitute a major source of energy in most households today, and occupy…
12 Feb 2008
Hormone crucial for skeletons
Researchers at the University of Otago, Christchurch have broken new scientific ground with discoveries regarding a previously little understood heart hormone, showing how it is crucial for bone development and growth after birth. Working with other scientists in the USA, Professor Eric Espiner and Dr Tim Prickett are leading world…
Children's health
08 Feb 2008
Parents scared children overeat salt
Although the health problems associated with high blood pressure often do not appear until later in life, they are strongly influenced by childhood health. A consumer poll published on 31 January 2008 reveals parents’ concerns about salt levels in children’s foods, with 86 per cent of parents calling for more…
23 Jan 2008
Listen to healthy matters on audio
In this edition of Health Matters, several nutrition experts explain the importance of healthy eating during childhood. They focus on the need for a balanced diet, which includes fruit, vegetables, protein, carbohydrates and dairy foods. Children tend to pick up their eating habits from their parents. This series of interviews…
14 Jan 2008
Milk and Milk Products (Dairy Products)
Children and adolescents should be encouraged to consume milk products because this is the period of their lives in which they are building their peak…
08 Jan 2008
Introduction to Clinical Trials
Clinical trials are a type of clinical research used to investigate the effectiveness of medicines, prevention programs and diagnostic techniques.
Children's health
07 Jan 2008
Heart Risks of Stimulants in Children with ADHD
Stimulant medications used to treat children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder may be responsible for an increased number of visits to the emergency room or doctor’s office because of cardiac symptoms, but deaths or serious heart complications are rare, a new University of Florida study reveals. “Treatment decisions are always a…
Children's health
07 Dec 2007
Tweens Double Use of Diabetes Drugs
America’s tweens more than doubled their use of type-2 diabetes medications between 2002 and 2005, with girls between 10 and 14 years of age showing a 166 percent increase. The likely cause: Obesity, which is closely associated with type 2 diabetes. The finding is included in a study of chronic…