30 Jan 2006
Gastrointestinal system anatomy
The human digestive system includes all the gastrointestinal organs, including the mouth, stomach, intestines and other organs involved in digestion.
28 Dec 2005
What is cancer?
Anatomical information about cancer, abnormal cell growth and division caused by genetics and carcinogens, and cancer tumour classification or staging.
Children's health
15 Dec 2005
Food allergy
Food allergies are common in children and adults. Peanuts, milk and dairy products, eggs, meat and fish are the most common food allergens.
14 Dec 2005
LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) Cholesterol Lowering
Low density lipoprotein cholesterol lowering therapies are used to treat high cholesterol levels and reduce the progression of heart disease.
03 Oct 2005
Cachexia refers to rapid wasting of muscles and tissues which cannot be explained by under-nutrition alone. It is a common complication of cancer and AIDS.
03 Oct 2005
3D Magnetic Resonance Imaging (3D MRI)
MRI scans can produce 3-dimensional images of internal body structures to diagnose nerve, heart, bone and blood vessel conditions.
Children's health
24 Sep 2005
Jaundice results from excesive blood bilirubin levels, and may be a symptom of liver failure or disease, or bile duct disorders such as gallstones.
30 Aug 2005
Full blood count (FBC; full blood test; complete blood count; CBC)
A full blood count (FBC) is a very common procedure and often the starting point for medical investigations. FBCs test for blood disorders or abnormalities, and…
30 Aug 2005
Full Physical Examination (A Check-Up)
A physical examination or health check up is performed by a doctor who looks, feel and listens to detect early signs of disease.