Dental Care

All you need to know about dental
Nutrition for school children
Children's health 13 Dec 2007

Nutrition for school children

Maintaining a balanced diet and regular exercise is important for everyone, especially school-aged children. They need to eat a variety of foods from each food…
Arthritis and Physical Activity
Bone 21 Aug 2007

Arthritis and Physical Activity

Exericse is good for people with arthritis. It increases bone and muscle strength, stimulates weight loss and reduces arthritic joint pain.
Drug Trialling
Blood 14 Aug 2007

Drug Trialling

Drug trialling is research performed to test how well medicines work to treat certain diseases, and if they cause side effects or adverse events.
Virtual Medical Centre: Welcome
Blood 14 Aug 2007

Virtual Medical Centre: Welcome

Dr Andrew Dean welcomes you to Virtual Medical Centre.
Bullying and Obesity in Children
Children's health 26 Jun 2007

Bullying and Obesity in Children

Childhood obesity is an increasing problem in Australia. Studies suggest that three times as many children are overweight or obese now than 30 years ago.…
Dental health for babies and young children
Children's health 02 May 2007

Dental health for babies and young children

It is very important that children's primary teeth be looked after. Dental hygiene is important for preventing tooth decay, and shoud begin at birth.
Dental pain
Bone 06 Apr 2007

Dental pain

Dental pain or toothache is acute or chronic pain related to the teeth and surrounding structures, varying in severity from mild to excruciating.
Dental caries
Bone 16 Jan 2007

Dental caries

Dental caries is caused by oral infection with bacteria. It leads to tooth decay and cavities (holes in teeth or rotten teeth), and causes toothache.
Teeth anatomy: Adult teeth (permanent dentition)
Anatomy 28 Dec 2006

Teeth anatomy: Adult teeth (permanent dentition)

Adult teeth include incisors, canines, molars and wisdom teeth. They help digest food by breaking it up, and are important for speech and appearance.