
Human immune system
Anatomy 25 Jul 2006

Human immune system

The immune system has two parts: the acquired system (lymphocytes and antibodies that attack diseases), and the innate system (skin and other barriers).
Innate immune system
Anatomy 24 Jul 2006

Innate immune system

The innate immune system includes skin and other barriers which prevent disease entering the body, and inflammatory and other responses which fight disease.
Rectal Bleeding (Haematochezia)
Blood 20 Jul 2006

Rectal Bleeding (Haematochezia)

Rectal bleeding, also known as haematochezia, refers to the passage of bright blood (often mixed with clots or stools) via the rectum. Rectal bleeding can…
Cardiac MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
Cancer 17 Jul 2006

Cardiac MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

Cardiac MRI scan Magnetic Resonance Imaging of human heart and brain etc with an MRI with services of an MRI machines
Skin rashes
Blood 15 Jul 2006

Skin rashes

A rash is defined as a change in the skin's appearance, which may involve alternations in texture (eg rough or smooth) and/or its colour. The…
Molecular 'Brake' Found for Neurofibromatosis 1
Cancer 07 Jul 2006

Molecular 'Brake' Found for Neurofibromatosis 1

A team led by Duke University Medical Centre researchers has identified in yeast a molecular ‘brake’ that could inhibit the proliferation of cells that characterises neurofibromatosis 1, a common hereditary disorder that causes potentially troublesome tumours along nerve fibres. This brake is a protein that appears to stop the…
Constipation and Cancer
Cancer 05 Jul 2006

Constipation and Cancer

constipation, cancer, gastrointesinal symptom
Respiratory system (pulmonary system) anatomy
Anatomy 27 Jun 2006

Respiratory system (pulmonary system) anatomy

The respiratory system includes the nose, lungs and pipe-like organs which connect them enable breathing and removal of waste products like carbon dioxide.
Endocrine system
Anatomy 26 Jun 2006

Endocrine system

The endocrine system includes the pituitary, thyroid, pancreas, adrenal and other glands. These glands produce hormones.