03 Oct 2005
3D Magnetic Resonance Imaging (3D MRI)
MRI scans can produce 3-dimensional images of internal body structures to diagnose nerve, heart, bone and blood vessel conditions.
24 Sep 2005
Medical information about angioplasty procedure for coronary (heart) patients. Angioplasty is heart operation medical treatment for coronary artery disease.
Children's health
24 Sep 2005
Jaundice results from excesive blood bilirubin levels, and may be a symptom of liver failure or disease, or bile duct disorders such as gallstones.
04 Sep 2005
Prehypertension refers to systolic blood pressure of 120 to 139 mm Hg or a diastolic BP of 80 to 89 mm Hg. It may progress…
01 Sep 2005
Chronic heart failure
Chronic heart failure occurs when the heart fails to pump sufficient blood through the body. It may come on rapidly after a heart attack, or…
30 Aug 2005
Full blood count (FBC; full blood test; complete blood count; CBC)
A full blood count (FBC) is a very common procedure and often the starting point for medical investigations. FBCs test for blood disorders or abnormalities, and…
30 Aug 2005
Full Physical Examination (A Check-Up)
A physical examination or health check up is performed by a doctor who looks, feel and listens to detect early signs of disease.
30 Aug 2005
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
MRI scans use radio waves and magnetic fields to produce images of internal body structures. These can be used to diagnose medical conditions.
30 Aug 2005
Ultrasound Machine Picture Ultrasonography
Diagnosis with ultrasound machine for clear pictures of the human body. 3D and 4D ultrasonography diagnostics for imaging baby in pregnancy etc