Skincare and Beauty

Skin prick tests identify asthma risk for toddlers with eczema
Children's health 21 Mar 2008

Skin prick tests identify asthma risk for toddlers with eczema

Toddlers with eczema who have a positive skin prick test for allergy have almost triple the risk of developing asthma than those with a negative test, says an Australian study. The study, led by the University of Melbourne, is the first to clearly demonstrate that skin prick tests can be…
Preventing burns from electric dental handpieces
Bone 06 Mar 2008

Preventing burns from electric dental handpieces

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is warning dental professionals about serious patient injuries caused by poorly maintained electric dental handpieces. Some patients have experienced third degree burns that needed plastic surgery. The burns have occurred during tooth extraction, when cutting teeth and bone, and during other surgical procedures, but…
Arsenic threatens global health
Blood 19 Feb 2008

Arsenic threatens global health

As many as 100 million people worldwide are facing slow poisoning and risk of death from arsenic in their drinking water and food supply. That is the conclusion of scientists at the CRC for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment (CRC CARE) following a global review of the health…
Organ and Tissue Donation
Blood 15 Feb 2008

Organ and Tissue Donation

Organ and tissue donation: Organ donation is a procedure in which one person receives organs or tissues from another person. These organs are transplanted into…
Top tips to help keep lips in tip top shape
Cancer 08 Feb 2008

Top tips to help keep lips in tip top shape

While winter’s harsh, windy weather is often to blame for dry, cracked lips, sometimes the cause of lip irritation is harder to pinpoint. In fact, several types of foods, cosmetic products, medications or even bad habits have been linked to dry lips. The key is determining the source of the…
Genetic skin barrier defect linked to eczema
Children's health 08 Feb 2008

Genetic skin barrier defect linked to eczema

Atopic dermatitis, one of the most common forms of eczema in this family of various inflammatory skin diseases, is a chronic disease marked by red, cracked and itchy skin. It is estimated that atopic dermatitis affects about 10 percent of children around the world and usually begins in the first…
Eczema still on the increase in developing countries
Children's health 30 Jan 2008

Eczema still on the increase in developing countries

Experts are warning policy makers that allergic disease might replace infectious disease as a major cause of ill health in cities undergoing rapid demographic changes in developing countries. New research tracking the number of cases of childhood eczema across the globe has revealed big changes in the prevalence of the…
Get Your Vitamin D in the Shade
Cancer 11 Jan 2008

Get Your Vitamin D in the Shade

People can get their daily requirement of vitamin D by sitting in the shade in the middle of the day according to research conducted by University of Southern Queensland (USQ) Centre for Rural and Remote Area Health Research Fellow Dr David Turnbull. Dr Turnbull is conducting a study into how…
Introduction to Clinical Trials
Blood 08 Jan 2008

Introduction to Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are a type of clinical research used to investigate the effectiveness of medicines, prevention programs and diagnostic techniques.