
Novel pathway regulates timing of brain-cell development
Children's health 13 Oct 2006

Novel pathway regulates timing of brain-cell development

Brain formation involves the carefully timed production of different types of nerve cells by neural stem cells: neurons are produced first, then astrocytes. Making too much of one kind of cell and too little of another at a given time could lead to brain malformations. In the October 6 issue…
Children's Health 11 Oct 2006


Toxoplasmosis is an acute infection with Toxoplasma gondii. It can have serious health risks for pregnant women or people with suppressed immune function.
The Virtual Medical Centre Review Program- A New Model for Continuing Medical Information
Blood 07 Oct 2006

The Virtual Medical Centre Review Program- A New Model for Continuing Medical Information

The RACGP QA&CPD office (WA) recently endorsed a unique approach to the provision of continuing medical education proposed by the Virtual Medical Centre (VMC) for general practitioners. The VMC, an online provider of information for health professionals comprises 18 separate sites focussing on different diseases. Each site is headed…
VMC Brings Breaking News from the RACGP Conference in Brisbane
Blood 06 Oct 2006

VMC Brings Breaking News from the RACGP Conference in Brisbane

This year’s Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 49th Annual Scientific Convention is being held in Brisbane from 5th – 8th October. Virtual Medical Centre is both exhibiting and lecturing at the convention. Keep posted for breaking news straight from the conference daily! The theme for this year’s convention…
Improved treatment raises medulloblastoma survival rate
Cancer 24 Sep 2006

Improved treatment raises medulloblastoma survival rate

A team of investigators led by St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital has announced that improvements in the treatment of the childhood brain cancer medulloblastoma have significantly increased the rate of survival of children with this disease. The treatment increased the overall five-year survival for 86 children with average-risk medulloblastoma…
Clues to hearing loss from chemotherapy
Cancer 24 Sep 2006

Clues to hearing loss from chemotherapy

Children with cancer who suffer hearing loss due to the toxic effects of chemotherapy might one day be able to get their hearing back through pharmacological and gene therapy, thanks to work done with mouse models at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Mice with a variety of genetic mutations that…
Study Links Lead Exposure to Brain Cancer in Adults
Cancer 11 Sep 2006

Study Links Lead Exposure to Brain Cancer in Adults

People who are routinely exposed to lead on the job are 50 percent more likely to die from brain cancer than people who are not exposed, according to a University of Rochester Medical Centre study. More than 18,000 brain and spinal cord tumours will be diagnosed in the United…
MRI scans in premature infants can predict future developmental delays
Children's health 28 Aug 2006

MRI scans in premature infants can predict future developmental delays

A Washington University paediatrician at St. Louis Children’s Hospital has found that performing MRI scans on pre-term infants’ brains assists dramatically in predicting the babies’ future developmental outcomes. Terrie E. Inder, M.D., associate professor of paediatrics, of radiology and of neurology at Washington University School of Medicine in St.
Researchers Find Link Between Autism and Abnormal Blood-Vessel Function and Oxidative Stress
Blood 28 Aug 2006

Researchers Find Link Between Autism and Abnormal Blood-Vessel Function and Oxidative Stress

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine discovered that children with autism showed signs of abnormal blood-vessel function and damaging levels of oxidative stress compared to healthy children. The children with autism possessed levels of biochemicals that indicate the presence of constricted blood vessels via the endothelium (the…