Children's health
13 Oct 2006
Novel pathway regulates timing of brain-cell development
Brain formation involves the carefully timed production of different types of nerve cells by neural stem cells: neurons are produced first, then astrocytes. Making too much of one kind of cell and too little of another at a given time could lead to brain malformations. In the October 6 issue…
07 Oct 2006
The Virtual Medical Centre Review Program- A New Model for Continuing Medical Information
The RACGP QA&CPD office (WA) recently endorsed a unique approach to the provision of continuing medical education proposed by the Virtual Medical Centre (VMC) for general practitioners. The VMC, an online provider of information for health professionals comprises 18 separate sites focussing on different diseases. Each site is headed…
06 Oct 2006
VMC Brings Breaking News from the RACGP Conference in Brisbane
This year’s Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 49th Annual Scientific Convention is being held in Brisbane from 5th – 8th October. Virtual Medical Centre is both exhibiting and lecturing at the convention. Keep posted for breaking news straight from the conference daily! The theme for this year’s convention…
Children's health
12 Sep 2006
Study Identifies New Genetic Risk Factor for Schizophrenia, Particularly in Females
UCLA scientists have discovered that infants who possess a specific immune gene that too closely resembles their mothers’ are more likely to develop schizophrenia later in life. Reported in the October issue of the American Journal of Human Genetics, the study suggests that the genetic match may increase foetal susceptibility…
Children's health
12 Sep 2006
What is childhood depression?
Depression in children has dramatically increased in recent years with approximately 3 to 5 percent of preteens and up to 15 percent of teenagers suffering from depression. The good news is that awareness and intervention from parents or other adults can help children with depression live normal, happy, functioning lives.
Children's health
12 Sep 2006
Fact or fiction: Somatoform disorders explored
Sometimes a child complains continually of a pain or physical disability for which a physician cannot find a physical cause or the cause found does not account for the level of impairment experienced by the child. The pain or disability, however, is very real to the child. When pain…
Children's health
29 Aug 2006
Anxiety before Surgery Complicates Recovery in Children
Children who are anxious before surgery experience a more painful, slow, and complicated postoperative recovery, according to a Yale School of Medicine study published this month in Paediatrics. The study is important, said lead author, Zeev Kain, M.D., professor in the Departments of Anaesthesiology, Paediatrics, and the Yale Child…
Children's health
28 Aug 2006
Anxiety before Surgery Complicates Recovery in Children
Children who are anxious before surgery experience a more painful, slow, and complicated postoperative recovery, according to a Yale School of Medicine study published this month in Paediatrics. The study is important, said lead author, Zeev Kain, M.D., professor in the Departments of Anaesthesiology, Paediatrics, and the Yale Child…
28 Aug 2006
Researchers Find Link Between Autism and Abnormal Blood-Vessel Function and Oxidative Stress
Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine discovered that children with autism showed signs of abnormal blood-vessel function and damaging levels of oxidative stress compared to healthy children. The children with autism possessed levels of biochemicals that indicate the presence of constricted blood vessels via the endothelium (the…