Children's health
08 May 2008
Vegetarian Diets
Vegetarians are people who exclude animal meat from their diet. A vegetarian diet comprises mainly of fruits and vegetables. There are a number of health…
Children's Health
05 May 2008
Researchers have found a link between gluten and brain damage
Gluten is damaging our brains! Paediatrician, gastroenterologist, allergist and author, Dr Rodney Ford has found a link between gluten and brain damage. Dr Ford has been researching the effect of gluten for 25 years. In his clinical experience; mood and behavior problems are amongst the most common symptoms of gluten sensitivity in…
Children's health
04 May 2008
The ‘choking game,’ psychological distress and bullying
Ontario’s youth are experiencing a different kind of high, approximately seven percent (an estimated 79,000 students in grades 7 to 12) report participating in a thrill-seeking activity called the “choking game”, which involves self-asphyxiation or having been choked by someone else on purpose. The 2007 Ontario Student Drug Use and…
Children's health
24 Apr 2008
Social form of bullying linked to depression, anxiety in adults
Spreading rumors and gossiping may not cause bruises or black eyes, but the psychological consequences of this social type of bullying could linger into early adulthood, a new University of Florida study shows. In a study of 210 college students, UF researchers discovered a link between what psychologists call relational…
Children's health
22 Apr 2008
Children with ADHD should get heart tests before treatment with stimulant drugs
Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) should get careful cardiac evaluation and monitoring – including an electrocardiogram (ECG) – before treatment with stimulant drugs, a new American Heart Association statement recommends. The scientific statement on Cardiovascular Monitoring of Children and Adolescents with Heart Disease Receiving Stimulant Drugs is published…
Children's health
08 Apr 2008
Family Therapy (Family Focused Therapy)
Family therapy: Family therapy, sometimes called family focus therapy or family systems therapy, is a type of psychological therapy that works to change the relationships…
Children's health
07 Apr 2008
Late to bed, late to rise – teenagers prefer to function as night owls
Getting teenagers out of bed is no easy task. Numerous studies indicate that at the onset of puberty, adolescents become more ‘evening typed’, preferring later bedtimes and wake times. In the Journal of Adolescence, a report by Swinburne researchers Dr Suzanne Warner, Dr Greg Murray and Dr Denny Meyer details…
Children's health
07 Apr 2008
Exactly how much housework does a husband create?
Having a husband creates an extra seven hours a week of housework for women, according to a University of Michigan study of a nationally representative sample of U.S. families. For men, the picture is very different: A wife saves men from about an hour of housework a week. The…
Children's health
07 Apr 2008
Mother-child attachment, children’s temperament play a role in terrible 2 conflicts
Stories about the "terrible twos" abound in parenting lore. New research published in the March/April 2008 issue of the journal Child Development finds that the way mothers and their 2-year-olds relate to each other affects the quality but not the frequency of conflicts when children are two, and that children’s…