
Motion Sickness
Children's health 30 Jun 2008

Motion Sickness

Motion sickness is a common condition experienced by people travelling on planes, cars, trains, and especially on boats. It is characterised by dizziness, nausea and…
Global call to tackle hidden epidemic – chronic viral hepatitis B & C
Children's health 16 May 2008

Global call to tackle hidden epidemic – chronic viral hepatitis B & C

The World Hepatitis Alliance has called on governments around the world to drive improvements in prevention, diagnosis, treatment and support for the one in 12 people worldwide infected with either chronic viral hepatitis B or C.Helen Tyrrell, CEO of Hepatitis Australia and founding member of the World Hepatitis Alliance says…
Researchers find gene location that gives rise to neuroblastoma, an aggressive childhood cancer
Cancer 08 May 2008

Researchers find gene location that gives rise to neuroblastoma, an aggressive childhood cancer

Using advanced gene-hunting technology, an international team of researchers has for the first time identified a chromosome region that is the source of genetic events that give rise to neuroblastoma, an often fatal childhood cancer. The investigators found that the presence of common DNA variations in a region of chromosome…
Vegetarian Diets
Children's health 08 May 2008

Vegetarian Diets

Vegetarians are people who exclude animal meat from their diet. A vegetarian diet comprises mainly of fruits and vegetables. There are a number of health…
Researchers have found a link between gluten and brain damage
Children's Health 05 May 2008

Researchers have found a link between gluten and brain damage

Gluten is damaging our brains! Paediatrician, gastroenterologist, allergist and author, Dr Rodney Ford has found a link between gluten and brain damage. Dr Ford has been researching the effect of gluten for 25 years. In his clinical experience; mood and behavior problems are amongst the most common symptoms of gluten sensitivity in…
Liver Cleansing Diet
Gastro 05 May 2008

Liver Cleansing Diet

Liver cleansing diets claim to remove toxins that are clogging the liver. This cleansing of the liver is proposed to help it to work more…
Children at highest risk from obesity struggle with change
Children's health 09 Apr 2008

Children at highest risk from obesity struggle with change

A new study shows that children with obesity-related diabetes are reporting serious difficulties in making basic lifestyle changes that could save them from a lifetime of complications. The study of 103 adolescents (ages 12 to 21) with type 2 diabetes, most of whom are overweight, shows many children and teens…
Mysterious fevers of unknown origin: could surgery be a cure?
Children's health 06 Apr 2008

Mysterious fevers of unknown origin: could surgery be a cure?

A child spikes a high fever, sometimes as high as 40 degrees, and sometimes causing seizures. She’s rushed to the emergency room, the hospital runs test after test, specialists are brought in, but no explanation is found. Many families – though no one knows how many – go through this cyclical…
Children's health 21 Mar 2008


What is gastroplasty? Why is the procedure performed? What are the benefits of gastroplasty? What are the risks of gastroplasty?…