Children's health
22 Dec 2015
Making a difference to the lives of children with burn injuries
A passion to provide high quality care to children recovering from burn injuries is what drives occupational therapist Debra Phillips who is currently completing her…
04 Dec 2015
Quest to beat cancer drugs’ deadly side-effect
The toxic side effects of some chemotherapy drugs which affect up to a quarter of patients by damaging their heart could soon be avoided thanks…
Children's health
29 Nov 2015
General anaesthesia has no adverse effect on infant brain development
Anaesthesia in infancy has shown no adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes in children by the age of two, a new international study has shown.
22 Nov 2015
Method for targeting the ‘Achilles heel’ of neuroblastoma
Australian scientists have identified a critical molecular ‘feedback loop’ that accelerates the progression of neuroblastoma, a cancer of the nervous system in children that is…
Children's health
17 Nov 2015
Scarlet fever making a comeback
An international study led by University of Queensland (UQ) researchers has tracked the re-emergence of a childhood disease which had largely disappeared over the past…
Children's health
09 Sep 2015
Children not immunised due to socioeconomic barriers
Almost one in 10 Australian infants are at risk of severe infections because they are not up-to-date with their immunisations. According to new research, infants…
Children's health
01 Sep 2015
Developing a vaccine for middle ear infections
Researchers from Griffith University’s Institute for Glycomics together with the Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Ohio have discovered ground breaking evidence that will help vaccine developers…
Children's health
17 Aug 2015
Molecular mechanisms within foetal lungs that initiate labour
Researchers at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center have identified two proteins in a foetus’ lungs responsible for initiating the labour process, providing potential new…
Children's health
19 Jul 2015
Autistic girls suffering in silence
Autism may be going undiagnosed in girls, who are highly likely to suffer additional conditions such as eating disorders and self harming, new research being…