08 Jan 2008
Introduction to Clinical Trials
Clinical trials are a type of clinical research used to investigate the effectiveness of medicines, prevention programs and diagnostic techniques.
04 Dec 2007
Folic Acid Lowers Blood Arsenic Levels in Bangladesh
A new study conducted in Bangladesh finds that folic acid supplements can dramatically lower blood arsenic levels in individuals chronically exposed to arsenic-contaminated drinking water. Arsenic is a toxic element that is naturally present in some soils and water. Arsenic-contaminated drinking water is currently a significant public health problem in…
26 Nov 2007
Unique Role for Blood Formation Gene Identified
All blood cell production in adults depends on the steady work of a vital gene that, if lost, results in early bone marrow failure, Dartmouth Medical School cancer geneticists have found. Their research reveals an unexpected role for the gene in sustaining the adult blood-forming system, and opens novel strategies…
16 Nov 2007
COSA ASM 2007 Highlights
The 34th COSA ASM offered a series of stimulating and exciting presentations from international and national experts covering the many disciplines of oncology research and clinical practice. The conference was held at the Adelaide Convention Centre on November 14-16, 2007. Some of the presentations that took place are summarised here.
16 Nov 2007
Young Cancer Patients Failing to Receive the Best Cancer Treatment
Adolescent and young adult cancer patients are experiencing a reduced survival rate because they are failing to be involved in clinical trials, a meeting of national cancer experts will hear today. The UK Teenage Cancer Trust’s visiting professor, Dr David Walker, said young people who did take part in medical…
16 Nov 2007
New Anti-cancer Drug Now Subsidised by the Government
A government committee has recently announced its addition of Velcade (bortezomib) to the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). Velcade is a novel drug used to treat an aggressive blood cancer called multiple myeloma. Although the treatment is worth several thousands of dollars, patients can now access the drug at heavily…
16 Nov 2007
New Hope for Patients with Myeloma as Velcade is Added to the PBS
A novel therapy for advanced and progressive stages of multiple myeloma has become available on the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme from November 1st 2007. This is fantastic news for sufferers of this rare and debilitating haematological cancer, whom normally face a poor prognosis without treatment. Multiple myeloma (MM) is a…
13 Nov 2007
New Anti-cancer Drug now Subsidised by the Government
A government committee has recently announced its addition of Velcade (bortezomib) to the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. Velcade is a novel drug used to treat an aggressive blood cancer called multiple myeloma. Until recently this drug was at prices far beyond what the average Australian could afford. Now the public…
13 Nov 2007
New Hope for Patients with Myeloma as Velcade is Added to the PBS
An expensive drug for the treatment of advanced and progressive stages of multiple myeloma has become available on the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme from November 1st 2007. This is fantastic news for sufferers of this rare and debilitating haematological cancer, whom normally face a poor prognosis without treatment. Multiple myeloma…