26 Mar 2008
Genetic Testing for Hereditary Diseases
Genetic testing involves analysing a person's DNA. It can be used to assess their risk of hereditary (genetic) conditions such as cystic fibrosis.
25 Mar 2008
Myeloma Foundation of Australia
Myeloma Foundation of Australia supports people living with myeloma, a form of cancer treated by bone marrow transplant and stem cell transplant.
21 Mar 2008
Potential brain cancer drug for children may damage bones
A novel drug that fully eliminated brain tumours from mice in a dramatic 2004 study has shown a darker side — causing permanent bone damage in younger mice. The researcher who conducted both studies says the disappointing new finding raises concerns about using similar drugs to treat children’s cancers, at…
17 Mar 2008
Arrow Bone Marrow Transplant Foundation
Arrow Bone Marrow Transplant Foundation works to overcome leukaemia and other diseases that are treated by bone marrow transplant or stem cell transplant.
06 Mar 2008
Leukaemia therapy with imatinib during pregnancy may cause infant abnormalities
While doctors already face many challenges in treating patients with cancer, treating pregnant women with the disease, in particular, can be quite difficult as studies suggest that certain therapies can harm developing foetuses. According to the results of a study prepublished online in Blood, the official journal of the American…
05 Mar 2008
Ototoxicity refers to chemical ear damage which causes hearing loss. It is associated with antibiotics, aspirin and anti-malarial medicines and chemicals.
03 Mar 2008
Faster chemo technique increases survival in children with neuroblastoma
Chemotherapy given with shorter intervals between treatments than conventional chemotherapy increases survival rates by two thirds in children with high-risk neuroblastoma, according to a study published in the Lancet Oncology. The ten year trial co-ordinated in six countries by scientists from the Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG), funded by…
23 Feb 2008
Sigmoidoscopy is a method of examining the mucosa (lining) of the large intestine for signs of gastrointestinal disease, including inflammation or cancer.
19 Feb 2008
Arsenic threatens global health
As many as 100 million people worldwide are facing slow poisoning and risk of death from arsenic in their drinking water and food supply. That is the conclusion of scientists at the CRC for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment (CRC CARE) following a global review of the health…