
Asthma deaths spike
Children's health 14 Apr 2008

Asthma deaths spike

New data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows that the Australian asthma death toll jumped in 2006, with an additional 84 deaths being recorded compared to 2005 data. The total number of deaths attributed to asthma in Australia in 2006 was 402. The greatest increase in deaths occurred in…
New research in food allergies
Children's health 26 Mar 2008

New research in food allergies

Despite the requirement for prior contact with an allergen for sensitization to occur, the majority of peanut allergic children react to their first known peanut ingestion. Evidence suggests that sensitization may occur by contact with allergen through the skin. Individuals thus sensitized may be predisposed to developing peanut allergy, while…
Children with allergies less productive than peers, parents reported
Children's health 21 Mar 2008

Children with allergies less productive than peers, parents reported

Data from the largest survey of its kind suggested there’s a silent epidemic among children. U.S. children are suffering with allergies and not getting the treatment they need, according to the Pediatric Allergies in America survey, which is the largest and most comprehensive national survey of parents of children under…
Skin prick tests identify asthma risk for toddlers with eczema
Children's health 21 Mar 2008

Skin prick tests identify asthma risk for toddlers with eczema

Toddlers with eczema who have a positive skin prick test for allergy have almost triple the risk of developing asthma than those with a negative test, says an Australian study. The study, led by the University of Melbourne, is the first to clearly demonstrate that skin prick tests can be…
Treatment for mild asthma improves lung function
Children's health 20 Mar 2008

Treatment for mild asthma improves lung function

A study by the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research in Sydney is the first to demonstrate that in patients with very mild or well-controlled asthma, regular treatment with low dose ICS leads to significantly better day–to-day lung function. The study published in this month’s edition of Primary Care Respiratory Journal…
Confusion over lactose intolerance
Children's health 05 Mar 2008

Confusion over lactose intolerance

There appears to be a trend for parents to diagnose their children as lactose intolerant without seeking medical advice. This has serious consequences for children, who may miss out on vital nutrients. Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest foods containing lactose, such as dairy products. People who have this…
Cockroaches a major health concern in schools and at home
Children's health 03 Mar 2008

Cockroaches a major health concern in schools and at home

Cockroaches spread nearly 33 different kinds of bacteria, six kinds of parasitic worms and at least seven other kinds of human pathogens. As cockroaches crawl through decaying matter or sewage, they turn into disease-carrying pests by picking up germs on the spines of their legs and bodies. The National Pest…
Cow milk allergy and the mechanisms of food allergy
Children's health 01 Mar 2008

Cow milk allergy and the mechanisms of food allergy

A food allergic reaction occurs as a result of some component of the immune system, which normally protects us from infectious agents, inappropriately reacting to the proteins in foods we eat. Food allergic diseases usually occur in the first decade of life and are directly linked to the maturation of…
Grains (Cereals)
Cancer 14 Feb 2008

Grains (Cereals)

Grains, also called cereal or cereal grains, are the seeds of grasses. Grains constitute a major source of energy in most households today, and occupy…