
Cord blood clue to respiratory diseases
Children's Health 19 Oct 2018

Cord blood clue to respiratory diseases

New research has found children born in the last three months of the year in Melbourne may have a greater risk of developing respiratory diseases.
Children's health 01 May 2018

Miracle Babies Foundation

Miracle Babies Foundation is Australia’s leading not-for-profit supporting premature and sick newborns, their families and the hospitals that care for them.
Extreme heat puts mums and bubs at risk
Children's health 17 May 2017

Extreme heat puts mums and bubs at risk

The projected rise in Central Australia’s temperature may pose an increased health risk to women in the late stages of pregnancy, a researcher has warned.
Molecular mechanisms within foetal lungs that initiate labour
Children's health 17 Aug 2015

Molecular mechanisms within foetal lungs that initiate labour

Researchers at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center have identified two proteins in a foetus’ lungs responsible for initiating the labour process, providing potential new…
Popular media influences choice of childbirth
Children's health 05 Jun 2015

Popular media influences choice of childbirth

Women’s magazines influence whether women decide to have a more natural childbirth or not, with most of the messages biased towards promoting the benefits of…
Induction of labour: Natural methods
Pregnancy and Lifestyle 05 Oct 2014

Induction of labour: Natural methods

How to induce labour naturally? There are a range of popular techniques for women who want to induce labour naturally, although scientific evidence can be…
Induction of labour – Medical and Surgical Methods
Children's health 04 Mar 2010

Induction of labour – Medical and Surgical Methods

Ways for women giving birth to induce labour and the bishop score to test if the cervix is ready for childbirth.
Contraception after childbirth and during breastfeeding
Hormones 02 Dec 2009

Contraception after childbirth and during breastfeeding

Contraception after childbirth is an important consideration as suitable methods depend on whether a woman is breastfeeding, how often she is breastfeedng and whether or…