
Mental Changes After Coronary Bypass Surgery
Heart 17 Jan 2007

Mental Changes After Coronary Bypass Surgery

Heart bypass surgery is performed under anaesthesia, and neurological changes and mental health conditions like depression are common consequences.
Dental caries
Bone 16 Jan 2007

Dental caries

Dental caries is caused by oral infection with bacteria. It leads to tooth decay and cavities (holes in teeth or rotten teeth), and causes toothache.
Petechiae skin purpura
Blood 08 Jan 2007

Petechiae skin purpura

Petechiae skin purpura are pinpoint bleeds under the skin which may result from trauma, infection or in serious cases requiring treatment, a blood disorder.
Pregnancy Ultrasound (Obstetric Ultrasound)
Children's health 12 Dec 2006

Pregnancy Ultrasound (Obstetric Ultrasound)

A pregnancy ultrasound produces an image of the foetus in the womb. It is used to check foetal development and diagnose any abnormalities.
Leveling the field for babies with persistent pulmonary hypertension
Children's health 11 Oct 2006

Leveling the field for babies with persistent pulmonary hypertension

If he can figure out which babies will be born unable to breathe properly, Dr. Stephen M. Black thinks he can help change that. “When these kids are born, you have a short amount of time to intervene or you get brain damage,” says Dr. Black, cell and molecular…
The Virtual Medical Centre Review Program- A New Model for Continuing Medical Information
Blood 07 Oct 2006

The Virtual Medical Centre Review Program- A New Model for Continuing Medical Information

The RACGP QA&CPD office (WA) recently endorsed a unique approach to the provision of continuing medical education proposed by the Virtual Medical Centre (VMC) for general practitioners. The VMC, an online provider of information for health professionals comprises 18 separate sites focussing on different diseases. Each site is headed…
VMC Brings Breaking News from the RACGP Conference in Brisbane
Blood 06 Oct 2006

VMC Brings Breaking News from the RACGP Conference in Brisbane

This year’s Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 49th Annual Scientific Convention is being held in Brisbane from 5th – 8th October. Virtual Medical Centre is both exhibiting and lecturing at the convention. Keep posted for breaking news straight from the conference daily! The theme for this year’s convention…
New study identifies teens at risk of developing heart disease
Blood 11 Sep 2006

New study identifies teens at risk of developing heart disease

Queen’s University researchers have developed new criteria to identify teenagers with abnormal blood cholesterol levels that place them at risk of cardiovascular disease later in life. Co-authored by Professor Ian Janssen and Master of Science student Courtney Jolliffe from the university’s School of Kinesiology and Health Studies, the study…
Haemoptysis (Coughing Up Blood)
Cancer 31 Aug 2006

Haemoptysis (Coughing Up Blood)

haemoptysis is a disease that symptoms include coughing up blood from the lungs. Causes bronchitis, lung cancer and pneumonia.