
Tweens Double Use of Diabetes Drugs
Children's health 07 Dec 2007

Tweens Double Use of Diabetes Drugs

America’s tweens more than doubled their use of type-2 diabetes medications between 2002 and 2005, with girls between 10 and 14 years of age showing a 166 percent increase. The likely cause: Obesity, which is closely associated with type 2 diabetes. The finding is included in a study of chronic…
Folic Acid Lowers Blood Arsenic Levels in Bangladesh
Blood 04 Dec 2007

Folic Acid Lowers Blood Arsenic Levels in Bangladesh

A new study conducted in Bangladesh finds that folic acid supplements can dramatically lower blood arsenic levels in individuals chronically exposed to arsenic-contaminated drinking water. Arsenic is a toxic element that is naturally present in some soils and water. Arsenic-contaminated drinking water is currently a significant public health problem in…
High Blood Pressure in Children Frequently Undiagnosed
Children's health 30 Oct 2007

High Blood Pressure in Children Frequently Undiagnosed

A study by an Oregon Health and Science University resident has found that only about one in four children with hypertension are diagnosed with the condition. The study is published in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).Between 2 percent and 5 percent of children have hypertension, with rates…
Air Pollution Linked to Cardiovascular Risk Indices in Healthy Young Adults
Children's health 09 Oct 2007

Air Pollution Linked to Cardiovascular Risk Indices in Healthy Young Adults

Researchers in Taiwan have demonstrated for the first time that urban air pollution simultaneously affects key indicators of cardiovascular risk in young adults: inflammation, oxidative stress, coagulation and autonomic dysfunction. The study, which appeared in the second issue for August of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine,…
Nutrition in the Mature Woman
Cancer 06 Sep 2007

Nutrition in the Mature Woman

Nutritional status in old age is as important as in any other stage of the life cycle. Some physiological changes that occur as part of…
Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice: Health Differences in Newborn Girls and Boys
Children's health 24 Aug 2007

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice: Health Differences in Newborn Girls and Boys

Two new studies seek to understand why death rates for female infants are higher after heart surgery and why female donor livers may be less effective for transplants. For generations, girls have whimsically been said to be made of “sugar and spice and everything nice,” and boys from “snakes and…
Homocysteine and Heart Disease
Blood 21 Aug 2007

Homocysteine and Heart Disease

High blood homocysteine levels are associatedwith heart conditions like heart attack. Reducing homocysteine can prevent and reverse heart disease.
How to prevent heart disease: Prof Sullivan
Fitness 14 Aug 2007

How to prevent heart disease: Prof Sullivan

Heart problems like angina, stroke and heart attack, which are often hereditary, can be prevented using cholesterol lowering treatments.
Coronary Slow Flow
Blood 14 Aug 2007

Coronary Slow Flow

Coronary slow flow causes blood to move slowly through the coronary arteries. It may cause chest pain similar to angina or a heart attack.