
CME: Continuing Medical Education Program
Cancer 12 Mar 2010

CME: Continuing Medical Education Program

Professor Rod Underwood, Director of Education and Research at VMC, provides an introduction to VMC’s Continuing Medical Education (CME) program.
Food: Basics of What We Need to Eat
Children's health 07 Jul 2009

Food: Basics of What We Need to Eat

Healthy eating basics including what healthy food to eat in a healthy diet, nutrition tips about protein, carbohydrates and good fats, and food proportions.
Stress Management
Children's health 07 Jul 2009

Stress Management

Dr Joe Kosterich talks about the things we can do to manage stress, including dealing with the source of stress, relaxation techniques, staying healthy and…
Exercise: Cardio Training
Children's health 07 Jul 2009

Exercise: Cardio Training

Cardio training, cardio vascular exercise or aerobic exercise increases the heart rate, enhances heart health and prevents heart disease.
Osteoporosis and our Bones
Bone 07 Jul 2009

Osteoporosis and our Bones

Osteoporosis is a condition of reduced bone density or bone mass which causes brittle bones that break easily. Calcium and vitamin D protect bone health.
Exercise: Resistance Training
Bone 07 Jul 2009

Exercise: Resistance Training

Resistance training, including resistance bands and weight training, strengthens bones and prevents bone conditions like osteoporosis.
Exercise: Stretching and Recovery
Children's Health 07 Jul 2009

Exercise: Stretching and Recovery

Stretching exericses to increase flexibility, like yoga and pilates, should be combined with cardio and weight training.
Infections 07 Jul 2009


Thrush is a fairly common and harmless fungal infection. Dr Joe Kosterich talks about the effects of thrush, and possible treatments and diets to control thrush. Thrush is one of these conditions that’s fairly common; it’s not particularly harmful and…
Pregnancy: Food for Two
Children's health 07 Jul 2009

Pregnancy: Food for Two

Dr Joe talks about healthy preganncy diets, including pregnancy nutritional requirements, what to eat when pregnant, and foods to avoid when pregnancy.