Children's health

Salt levels on shaky ground
Children's health 25 Mar 2013

Salt levels on shaky ground

In an era where manufacturers are meant to be reducing salt levels in processed food, a CHOICE review of kids’ food has found unacceptably high-levels of salt in a raft of products, including breakfast cereals and lunch box snacks. In some instances, a food product marketed at children was found…
Early computer use improves preschoolers’ letter knowledge
Children's health 22 Mar 2013

Early computer use improves preschoolers’ letter knowledge

Learning your A, B, C’s could be as easy as using a computer regularly while you’re young, a new study has found. Researchers from the ARC Centre for Cognition and its Disorders at Macquarie University and Murdoch Childrens Research Institute studied over 1500 four year olds and found regular computer…
Research Explores Factors That Impact Adolescent Mental Health
Children's health 14 Mar 2013

Research Explores Factors That Impact Adolescent Mental Health

Research indicates that half of all lifetime cases of mental illness begin by age 14, well before adulthood. Three new studies investigate the cognitive, genetic and environmental factors that may contribute to mental health disorders in adolescence. The studies are published in Psychological Science and Clinical Psychological Science, journals of…
Most parents believe vaccines are safe for children
Children's health 13 Mar 2013

Most parents believe vaccines are safe for children

New research from the University of Adelaide shows that 95% of parents believe vaccines are safe for their children despite the spread of misinformation about vaccine safety. The study, conducted by researchers in the University’s Robinson Institute and School of Population Health, sought to better understand parents’ attitudes to vaccines and the perceived…
Perfectionistic parenting impacts childhood anxieties
Children's health 06 Mar 2013

Perfectionistic parenting impacts childhood anxieties

In a new study published in the Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, researchers investigated the impact of perfectionistic rearing behaviors by parents on children. Results showed that while all children showed an increase in their self-oriented perfectionism under perfectionist rearing conditions, it was children in the non-perfectionistic rearing condition that improved…
Food and beverages not likely to make breast-fed babies fussy
Children's health 02 Mar 2013

Food and beverages not likely to make breast-fed babies fussy

Many new moms fear that eating the wrong foods while breast-feeding will make their baby fussy. However, no sound scientific evidence exists to support claims that certain foods or beverages lead to fussiness in infants, according to Gina Neill, a Loyola University Health System registered dietitian. “One of the many…
Probiotic-derived treatment new hope for preemies
Children's health 01 Mar 2013

Probiotic-derived treatment new hope for preemies

“Good” bacteria that live in our intestines have been linked with a variety of health benefits, from fighting disease to preventing obesity. In a new study, Kriston Ganguli of Massachusetts General Hospital for Children and Harvard Medical School and her colleagues have discovered another advantage to these friendly microscopic tenants:…
Reducing tumour growth and spread of advanced neuroblastoma
Cancer 01 Mar 2013

Reducing tumour growth and spread of advanced neuroblastoma

In a world-first discovery, researchers at Children’s Cancer Institute Australia (CCIA) have found a potential new way to reduce neuroblastoma tumour growth and metastasis. The findings, which have been published in Oncogene, may lead to the development of more targeted treatments for neuroblastoma and potentially save the lives of more…
Can breakfast make kids smarter?
Children's health 25 Feb 2013

Can breakfast make kids smarter?

New research from the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing has found that children who regularly have breakfast on a near-daily basis had significantly higher full scale, verbal, and performance IQ test scores. In one of the first studies to examine IQ and breakfast consumption, researchers examined data from 1,269…